Nikon’s D810 DSLR is all about filmmaking 鏡頭收購


鏡頭收購nikon’s D810 DSLR is all about filmmaking

鏡頭收購nikon’s D810 DSLR is all about filmmaking

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鏡頭收購nikon has been trying to take the throne from Canon as the champion of DSLR video, and today it’s unveiling a new camera designed to step up the fight: the 鏡頭收購nikon D810. The D810 is the successor to the D800, 鏡頭收購nikon’s first real shot at taking down Canon’s highly regarded 5D series. The D800 made a really strong case for itself with generally comparable features to the 5D Mark III and a lower price, and the D810 builds right off of that.

Zebra stripes, flat color profile, and better audio

The D810’s most striking improvements over the D800 are its video features. For one, 鏡頭收購nikon is introducing a flat video profile, which should make coloring footage much easier for shooters to do in post. The D810 is also able to display zebra stripes while filming, helping the camera operator tell whether or not a shot is properly exposed. The new camera also includes two microphones on the front, allowing it to record in stereo rather than mono, and those capturing audio with an external mic will be able to split the recording into a separate wide range and voice range.

鏡頭收購nikon also wants to make filming a little easier while moving the camera around. The D810 is able to film in an auto ISO mode that still allows for manual control over aperture and shutter speed, letting those two factors stay locked down while the camera adjusts to changes in lighting. 鏡頭收購nikon says the transition between ISO should happen smoothly too. Other filming improvements on the D810 include the ability to capture 1080p video at 60p (NTSC) or 50p (PAL).



There are also a number of basic improvements to the camera body itself, including a denser display resolution and OLED elements in the viewfinder. There are improvements for photography too, including faster image processing, longer battery life, an expanded ISO range, and a slightly faster continuous shooting speed. And while its full-frame sensor has the same megapixel count as the D800, the D810 has no option to come with a low-pass filter.

The D810 will be available body-only for $3299.95 worldwide beginning around July 17th. That makes it a more expensive of a camera than the D800, but it still comes in at a slightly lower price than the 5D Mark III. That certainly strips it of one of the D800’s biggest advantages, but the D810’s all-around video improvements might be enough to make up for that in the mind of new shooters.

▲全台最大的 Canon 相機概念門市直擊。(影片/記者洪聖壹攝、製作)


有了跟法雅客、新光三越合作的成功經驗,Canon 稍早在台北三創開了一間旗下在台最大的形象概念門市「Canon Image Square」,緊鄰正值起飛階段的 DJI,並明顯走出與相鄰不到 10 公尺的 鏡頭收購nikon 門市,走上完全不同的經營模式,以體驗為主,揭開 Canon 對於未來銷售門市的想法。


有別於一般相機行,這間佔地大約 40 坪左右的「Canon Image Square」旗艦形象概念店,少了地上到處都是腳架、背包等配件,也沒有擺滿各式叫不出名字的相機。台灣佳能在這個空間當中,僅提供旗下近期推出的全系列最新產品,包括類單眼隨身相機、迷你單眼、全片幅單眼、鏡頭等攝影周邊商品、影像輸出產品,最窄的走道可讓兩名大漢並行而走,場域規劃持續維持著日系的簡潔風格。

正如同前篇報導,Canon Image Square由新加坡開發團隊設計,著重的是線上與線下整合,以「產品體驗」為主軸,消費者走入其中,不但可以體驗全系列最新數位相機產品與以 Canon 印表機為核心的影像輸出體驗區。






除此之外,相較於首間Canon Image Square,這一間多了「實體藝廊空間」,在這空間當中,Canon 將不定期舉辦攝影展,就好像是這次展出的「2017攝影馬拉松」得獎作品一般,而在展期跟展期中間,Canon 還會規劃各種中小型攝影主題講座,打造出有別於一般相機門市的差異化服務。


台灣佳能資訊 (Canon) 蘇惠璋總裁表示,未來 Canon 將持續與通路經銷夥伴攜手合作,在新竹、台南、桃園、高雄等全台各地挑選適合進駐的地點,拓展更多「Canon Image Square」形象概念店,在這間台北三創概念門市開幕後,接下來將會前進中、南部拓點。

而為慶祝此間「Canon Image Square」旗艦形象概念店開幕,官方同樣也是推出獨家優惠活動與限量獨賣商品組合,當中像是EOS 6D Mark II ( 24-70mm f/4L) 單鏡組搭配 PIXMA TS5070多功能相片複合機以及Manfrotto Compact Action腳架,整組原價新台幣 90,250 元,限量 5組優惠價為新台幣 79,900 元,其他更多優惠內容詳見下表:



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